Friday, January 6, 2012

New diet

So we took Alex in to get some test done because she has had this cough that we can't seem to get rid of whenever she eats. So the doctor has some allergy tests run. As we already new she is allergic to milk but everything else came out fine. Well the doctor wants us to try her on a wheat free diet because she thinks that the test came out as a false negative because she is so young that can happen. So for the next month or so we will be trying a wheat and milk free diet and hopefully we will see an improvement. If not we will have to have more tests run so I hope this solves our problem. It's going okay so far it's just harder on me to try and plan meals that don't require any type of milk or wheat and you would be surprised how many there are that you have to rule out. Yes yes I know there are plenty of things I can make but trying to get a very picky 4 year old to eat it that's another story. Luckily there are a few stores that sell wheat free and milk free items otherwise I would have to do all my shopping online. So let the new diet begin. At least this means the whole family will be eating really healthy and with a new baby on it's way that's a good thing. Which means no more junk food in the house.

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