Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The latest news

Well let's see what's new with my family, as I'm sure most know my brother Jordan is on his mission. He has been gone for about 10 months now. Wow time sure is going by pretty fast. As far as I'm aware he is having an amazing time and trying to teach as many people that will listen. I'm very proud of him for the sacrifice he is making. 2 years is not something to just blink about.
In other news I am 6 months pregnant. We found out a few weeks ago that we are having a baby boy. We are all really excited to meet him and watch him grow. Alex is super excited to have a little brother. That has all she has been asking for since we told her she would be a big sister soon. Alex is now 4 years old. I can't believe how fast time is going by. She is no longer my little baby she is a big girl. She is getting ready to enter pre-school. It makes me just a bit sad to know that pretty soon she will be in school full time and than I don't know what I'm going to do. I guess it's a good thing I will have a little one running around to help fill in that time.
Well we have had to get Alex allergy tested because she keeps complaining about her stomach and she has a pretty bad cough whenever she eats. We are waiting on the results and I hope everything will be OK. It will be nice to get some answers and hopefully it's nothing worse than she has some food allergies. She is definitely our miracle baby. With everything that has happened to her since birth it really is amazing that she doesn't have more wrong with her than a few allergies. She hasn't had to have any major surgeries or repairs. I am so thankful that we have been given this wonderful little girl to raise and learn and grow from and with.
Jordan will hopefully in the next couple of months be getting a pretty big promotion. I'm so proud of him and all that he has accomplished and done in his military career. He really has been an amazing soldier and I love that he is getting recognized for all his hard work and dedication.
Well that's about all the new news that's going on with our family. There will be more to report after Christmas in just a few weeks.